Thursday 4 August 2011

Ramadan Kareem! x

Ramadan Kareem to everyone! Enjoy this holy month of ramadan. May this month bring you peace and blessings. I also want to encourage everyone to concentrate on the more religious reasons to wearing a hijab. That ofcourse doesn't mean that you can't be fashionable but we just have to try and focus on the hijab with the actions and behaviour too. 
Hope everyones' fast goes smoothly x

Sunday 26 June 2011

Asian hijabi outfits x

Being a south-asian myself, i own a lot of salwar kameez. Most of us wouldn't know how to wear a dupatta as a hijab.
I have seen a lot of various tutorials on how to wear and accessorise the dupatta...
Here is the one I like the most...

It's by alz786uk (youtube), as some of you might know I love her ways of wearing the hijab. Mash'allah she does beautiful hijab styles. <3
Subscribe to her on youtube or like her Facebook page (Princess rockz):
Much love sisterz x

Sunday 12 June 2011

HOOTD (hijabi outfit of the day) x

Okay... from now on I will try to post an outfit of the day everyweek (insh'allah).
This is the first hijabi outfit of the day in this blog hope you guys like it.

This outfit consists of a peacock feather patterned navy blue maxi dress from New Look, black plain top, black flat shoes also from new look and finally a navy blue plain pashmina from pearl daisy. I love the sleeves of the of the black top and I think that the peocock maxi dress is beautiful and perfect for the spring time (eventhough we're getting a lot of rain in the UK), but I think it's sutibale for the rain... don't you? x

Thursday 2 June 2011

More turkish hijabs x


I am in love with the turkish hijab styles, they are gorgeous! I posted about three other styles earlier. But these are new pictures I found. I love the way the square hijabs are worn... it looks really secure on the head. Overall they are soo pretty!!
I love! x

Egyptian hijabi outfits x

Look at these fab outfits. They are by the egyptian designer Reham Farouq. I just love the patterns and the colours used, I would say they are perfect for the spring/ summer time.  Also I love the way the hijabs are worn in these picture, but it would be nicer if it was a bit more covering. Despite that, these outfits are overall awsome! <3 <3

It's stylish and modest.
I would give these out fits a hijabi five stars. x

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Cute Hijabs x

These are some fab hijabs styles. It looks great for the summer, with the patterns and colours and the way it's wraped loosely. It's cute and covering...
I Love!
What do you think? x 

Saturday 28 May 2011

Hijab do's and don'ts x

Hijab do's:
  • Cover ears and the neck.
  • Cover every strand of hair.
  • Cover everything showing.
Hijab don'ts:
  • The so called ‘Mickey mouse hijab’ : This is where the ears and neck are partially or clearly visible.
  • Bandana : This is confusing as to whether the person is Muslims or not.
  • Transparent hijab : This means no fringe showing, and hijabs where you can see the hair through it!
  • Skin tight hijab : Wearing hijab but then wearing figure hugging clothes eg skinny jeans, short sleeves and leggings.

City sisters x

I have been watching this talk show called City Sister on Islam Channel. It is a really good and imformative show. I love this show! The show is dedicated to muslim women and their lifestyles.

You have to watch it to know exactly what I am talking about.
It's on Sky 813 (UK).

Much love x

Sunday 22 May 2011

Accessories- Bangles and Bracelets x

These are pictures of some adorable bangles and cute bracelets from new look. I LOVE THEM!
They are colourful and authentic.
Is there any you like in particular? x

Wrong but quite true reasons to wear a hijab x

1. You don't have to spend valuable time in the morning to make your hair look good.
2. You don't have to deal with your hair getting stuck to your lip gloss.
3. If you have a bump in your hair the hijab will conceal the bump.
4. If some thing goes wrong while you dye your hair, then no one has the chance to laugh at you.
5. You don't have to care about brushing your hair if your in a rush.

I think you guys get the picture. x

Hijab storage ideas x

Many of us are probably really bad at storing hijabs well. Trust me I am one of them.I then recently found some usefull hangers at ikea. This one is great for storing hijabs!
Hope its helpful. x

Saturday 21 May 2011

Hijab in the metropolitan police x

The hijab is offically been accepted as a part of the metropolitan police uniform in Britain. This is a great news for muslim women who want to persue a career in the metropolitan police, but aren't going up for the job because they wear a hijab. This also shows that Britain is a religiously diverse place to live in.
The news of the hijab being a part of the uniform was made at a conference, the theme of the conference was "Protect and Respect: Everybody's Benifit".
Also muslim officers will also be aloud to pray on duty, demand halal food and have altered meal scheduled in Ramadan.
It is an outstanding change that will be welcomed by us all! Right? xx

Wow abayas x

OMG!! Just look at these awesome abayas. The first time I saw these, I just fell in love with them. The design and the colours are just fabulous. They would be great for wearing on weading receptions.
Which one do you think is the best? x

Hijab - Our choice x

Recently there has been issues where some people are thinkig that the hijab is being forced on to muslim girls. Now only you and me know that, it is not true. It is our choice to wear it and we wish to continue wearing it. Who do you think is responsible for these ideas going through to people? Is it me or you? Is it the media, the papers, news? or is it the fact that people don't know enough about us hijabis?
Well I think its that people don't know enough about us. Because if they did they would know that we feel a lot more safe wearing the hijab.
Personally I think that it helps us avoid critisism on what we are wearing, if we keep up with the trends or not, if our hair looks good etc. But there is the more religious side to wearing the hijab too.
This verse encourages the hijab in the Holy Qur'an: "O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they should cast their outer garments over them (when abroad); this is more proper, that they should be known (recognized as such) and not molested. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful." 
Holy Qur'an (33:59)  

What's your opinion? x

Turkish Hijabs x

Hi people... I just saw some pictures of some really glam turkish hijabs. Now I don't know how to wear hijabs like that, But if anyone does please do let me know.
I love these Outfits! They are suitable for occasions, work or casul wear. And the clothes look covering and comfortable.

My favourite One is the one in the right (black and white). Reason: it looks cute and modest and i just love it! x

Sunday 15 May 2011

Emma Watson's hijabi friendly style x

Recently the harry potter star, Emma Watson was seen sporting a really covered look for teen vogue. She wore a flowing white dress and a long sleeve red blazer which I think gave the edge to the look and completed it very well. For us hijabis we can add a white pashmina hijab with red accessories.

Do you like the idea? x

Summer/Spring Flower hijabs x

Summer's coming! and bright colours and floral designs are a trend all over the world. So I thought that floral hijabs would be a great thing for all of us hijabis to get into the summer feel.
 Take a look at these awesome flower power hijabs!

       What do you think? x
 Princess Rockz-

Abayas x

I myself were abayas and love to shop for them. Looking for abayas online is the easiest way to shop, in my opinion.
I love the way these abayas are designed. So elegent, casual and fashionable. The pictures below are some of my favourite abayas from aab (online shop).

What do you think of these abayas and Which one do you prefer? x
Aab -

Friday 13 May 2011

Hijab on youtube x

I came across some youtube hijab tutorials by alz786uk and I absolutely loved them. So i had to post something about it. One thing about her is that her tutorials are easy to follow and try. Check out her youtube page! - she is just awesome!